C/2012 F3 (PanSTARRS)


Type: Hyperbolic Perihelion date: 6 April 2015 Perihelion distance (q): 3.5 Aphelion distance (Q) : n/a Period (years): n/a Eccentricity (e): 1.00 Inclination (i): 11.4 JPL orbit diagram COBS lightcurve Pan-STARRS discovered a 21st magnitude comet on 16 March 2012. Following confirming images taken at Mauna Kea the next day, images of the object were found in Pan-STARRS data from 19 January. Observations (VEMag = visual equivalent magnitude) Date 10x10 mag Error VEmag Coma ' 19-Feb-13 18.40 0.05 18.2 0.2 10-Mar-13 18.16 0.05 17.9 0.3 31-Mar-13 18.16 0.03 17.9 0.2 01-Apr-13 18.07 0.06 17.8 0.3 16-Apr-13 18.35 0.04 18.1 0.2 12-Jan-14 17.05 0.03 16.3 0.3 27-Jan-14 16.94 0.02 16.2 0.4 04-Mar-14 16.45 0.02 15.6 0.4 28-Mar-14 16.11 0.01 15.2 0.4 23-Apr-14 15.81 0.03 14.9 0.4 03-May-14 15.88 0.02 14.8 0.4 06-Jun-14 15.93 0.04 14.2 0.3 28-Jun-14 15.97 0.01 14.8 0.4 10-Jul-14 15.93 0.04 14.7 0.3 26-Jul-14 15.91 0.02 14.0 0.2 06-Aug-14 15.93 0.02 14.3 0.3 08-Aug-15 15.52 0.04 13.8 0.3 01-Oct-15 16.23 0.01 15.0 0.3 17-May-16 17.22 0.02 15.1 0.2 04-Jun-16 17.49 0.03 15.6 0.2 25-Aug-16 17.40 0.04 15.0 0.2 03-Sep-16 17.35 0.01 15.4 0.4 10-Sep-16 17.23 0.01 14. 7 0.4 22-Sep-16 17.57 0.03 15.1 0.5 30-Sep-16 17.73 0.01 15.7 0.4 29-Oct-16 18.14 0.03 16.1 0.5 05-Nov-16 18.04 0.06 15.2 0.5 24-Nov-16 18.27 0.04 16.1 0.4